Hello and Welcome!
I am so happy you are here! I am very excited to be able to say hello and welcome you to share with you in this space with me! When I first started my YouTube channel, I didn’t exactly know what my “niche” would be. And if I am being completely honest, 8-ish months later and I still haven’t nailed one down. But, if you’re anything like me, you likely have many interests as well.
I have so many interests and hobbies that it has been really hard to just make content surrounding one topic. I guess you could say that keeps it exciting! You never know what you are going to get! One day I may be baking, the next I am in the garden and the next, I am putting together a natural alternative to use in my home. Additionally, I have a whole list of ideas for content that I haven’t even shared yet!
Additionally, I am waist-deep in a spiritual awakening which has been completely unexpected and at times, difficult to navigate. I intend on using this space to share a bit about that as well. I have found that it wasn’t until my spiritual awakening, that all of these new hobbies and interests showed up in my life. My sobriety contributes to this as well. Now that my mind is not clouded by alcohol, I have more time and space in my life to focus on things that bring me joy.
You are welcome you to stay tuned to see what I come up with next! I also invite you to say hello or add your own suggestions of things you would like to see or discuss! I am always open to hearing new ideas and/or receiving constructive and kind feedback.