March 1, 2023
Keep it simple, stupid! Have you ever heard of the keep it simple principle? KISS (keep it simple, stupid) is believed to be coined by Kelly Johnson, a lead engineer in the US Navy. Johnson however did not coin the term using a comma, which is commonly used today. The principle, simply stated, means to not make things too difficult. KISS can also stand for ‘Keep it Smart and Simple’ or Keep it Simple and Straightforward’.
Whichever way you think of it, it can be an important principle to keep in mind. I have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. I get all up in my head and laser focus on things that really could be simplified by a broader perspective.
I realized I was doing this the other day and suddenly I thought, keep it simple, stupid. I wasn’t calling myself stupid in a pejorative way. I was just thinking of the phrase, KISS. You see, since I have entered this next level of awakening, I seem to have lost my purpose again. As I’ve mentioned, I am not sure that I fully had it to begin with. I thought I had been headed in the right direction though.
I was listening to a podcast the other day on the topic of following your dreams. I had this sudden and panicked feeling that I had no idea what my dreams are! I had completely muddied the waters about what it is that I want out of life. I got so caught up in not knowing and looking for direction and answers, that I totally lost my way.
I am going to share with you part of what I wrote in my journal so you can get an idea of just where my head was at.
“Yesterday was rough! I felt desperate to know my purpose in life. Or rather, to know what step I am supposed to take next. I spent the day watching videos, hoping the answer would be there. It wasn’t. But I did learn a lot. Bonus! I spent time praying, hoping the answer would come to me that way. It didn’t. I spent time reading and in meditation. Still no answer. I went to bed listening to recordings to change my subconscious. Still nothing! I tried to remind myself that the answers will come in their own time, right when they are supposed to. I remind myself that I am not where I want to be, but I am right where I am supposed to be. I try not to worry about timing. About how long it may take to develop some sort of skill to be able to turn it into a career for myself. Then it hit me. KISS. KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID! Stop trying to have it all figured out! Go with what you know.”
I was spiraling! It can be so easy to get wrapped up into finding the answers to problems and making it more difficult than it needs to be in the process. So often, we get in our own way and sabotage our own success or progress. I know what my dreams are. But I let the “how” get in the way.
The next time you are struggling in this way, keep it simple! Go with what you know. Zoom out a bit and see the bigger picture. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. And remember to enjoy the journey 😊